Saltwater Invertebrates
Invertebrates, which account for more than 95 per cent of the known creatures on Earth, are creatures that do not have a backbone. Diverse, fascinating, vibrant and unusual marine invertebrates are perfect additions to your home saltwater aquarium. We offer a great range of invertebrates, most of which are hardy and the ideal marine life for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Our range includes Starfish, Urchins, Anemones, Sea Sponge, Shrimp, Fan Worms, we can go on and on. But what all these animals have in common is that they are an animal with no backbone, they are all saltwater invertebrates. Some marine aquarium animals, such as Nudibranchs, Feather Dusters and anemones, are kept for their attractive visual features, whereas other marine inverts are the work-horses of their coral aquariums, keeping them both clean and healthy. brings the fascination of the ocean right to your door. We offer strictly top of the line saltwater inverts that are compatible with a wide variety of gorgeous saltwater fish. Whether you're looking for saltwater starfish, anemones, crabs, snails, sponge, shrimp, or anything else, we have it all!
Saltwater Invertebrates are the ultimate in style and elegance for aquariums of any size. They are known for their dazzling colors, distinctive markings, and hypnotizing movements. Since they require more care than fresh water fish, only an elite group of aquarium owners purchase saltwater inverts; but those who do couldn't be more proud!
What are some common Marine Inverts?
Many species of anemones will host a clownfish just like in that famous movie! However, this is not true for all anemones, such as the commonly found Haitian Anemone and Condy Anemone. You also need to get a species of clownfish that will look to accept an anemone as it’s home. Anemones can live singly or in groups in the ocean, but typically you will only want one in the tank. This is because they can and will move around and their tentacles can harm corals or other anemones. However, once they find a place they like, they will usually stay there. Be aware that some species of anemones have stinging tentacles, which can be very nasty if you accidentally brush your skin against it. We recommend researching each species before buying.
Our favorite species include:
Condy Anemone (Condylactis gigantea)
Flower Anemone (Epicystis crucifer)
Neon Orange Tube Anemone (Ceriathus sp.)
Purple Condy Anemone (Condylactis gigantea)
- Green Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
Marine crabs are almost exclusively considered to be scavengers, and depending on the species, may also eat live animals, so be sure to check their tank compatibility. Some crabs, however, are more selective feeders, consuming uneaten food, detritus and rotting substances (such as dead fish) and can be beneficial in any saltwater aquarium.
Our range of crabs include:
Emerald Crab (Mithrax sculptus)
Blue Porcelain Crab (Porcellana sayana)
Red Porcelain Crab (Porcellana sayana)
Ruby Red Mithrax Crab (Mithrax sculptus)
Arrow Crab (Stenorhynchus seticornis)
Anemone Crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai)
What are the best Marine Invertebrates? Hermit crabs are the scavengers of the sea. Many hermit crabs are selective feeders and don't eat a lot of stuff. However, there are hermit crabs that can eat the things you don't want in your tank, such as green hair algae, red slime algae, detritus, uneaten food and dead critters.
Hermit crab subtypes include:
Brown Leg Hermit Crab (Clibanarius sp.)
Blue Leg Hermit Crab (Clibanarius tricolor)
Left Handed Zebra Hermit Crabs
White Legged Hermit Crab (Clibanarius sp.)
If you are interested in the gorgeous Anemone Crab, keep in mind that they need an Anemone to feel comfortable. They usually live in these anemone.
Crabs are usually omnivores and readily accept the same foods as your fish. Like shrimp, crabs can only eat food which has made it to the bottom of the tank. Thus, ensure some food is in reach of your crabs.
Saltwater Crabs like Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, usually outgrow their shell after a little while. Provide them with a few larger shells, since they like to try different ones on before choosing the right one.
Sea Snails
Marine snails are terrific little scavengers, gobbling up detritus, uneaten food, decaying organics, and fish waste. Many of these snails are great little rock and glass cleaners, sucking algae off of everything as they slide along. Be sure to provide your sea snails with plenty of empty shells to allow them to grow into larger ones or house swap, otherwise they can become aggressive with each other.
Snail subtypes include:
Banded Tiger Trochus Snails (Trochus sp.)
Bumble Bee Snail (Engina sp.)
Cerith Snail (Cerithiidae sp.)
Nerite Snail (Nerita sp.)
Tiger Sand Conch (Strombus sp.)
Tonga Nassarius Snails (Nassarius distortus)
Turbo Snail (Turbo fluctuosa)
Sea Stars
Starfish are quite popular in reef tanks and can be really fun to watch. Many of these creatures, such as the Sand sifting sea star (Astropecten polycanthus) and Chocolate chip starfish are predatory and should not be housed in reef tanks.
The following starfish are considered reef tank safe:
Brittle starfish (Ophiocoma erinaceus)
Red Brittle Starfish (Ophiocoma paucigranulata)
There are many marine shrimps commonly housed in saltwater aquariums. Many shrimps are colorful and, to a large degree, harmless to the aquarium community. Many of these shrimps naturally fulfill the purpose of the aquarium by eating parasites from their other tank mates, while others bring variety to the tank and are fun to watch.
Shrimp subtypes include:
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)
- Sexy Shrimp (Thor Amboinensis)
Here are some easy to follow tips for saltwater shrimp:
When purchasing shrimp, keep in mind that they should be kept in small groups (3-4), as this makes them more social and more likely to come out often.
Most shrimp are bottom-feeders and don't usually need to be fed overtly. They usually eat food dropped by other fish. If your fish consume most of the food before it makes it to the bottom of the tank, then some extra food should be given to the shrimp after the fish have been fed. A good time to feed shrimp is at night, since most are nocturnal. Poper acclimation is critical for shrimp - Please read this guide on Acclimating Shrimp when purchasing shrimp for your tank
Related to starfish, urchins are certainly fascinating and unusual to have in a home aquarium. However, many species will actually feed on Coralline algae, the pretty purple colored algae covering the live rock in your tank.
Our most popular urchin species include:
Black Rock Urchin (Echinometra sp.)
Pencil Urchin (Eucidaris tribuloides)
The Lettuce Nudibranch (Tridachia crispata) is an excellent eliminator of Hair Algae. However, it should be noted that Hair Algae is all that it eats. It is also known as Lettuce Sea Slug. It is given its name because it resembles lettuce.
There are several species of saltwater Feather Duster (Sabellastarte sp.) often found available for the saltwater aquarium. Feather Duster Worms are marine segmented worms that are sessile and attached to rocks or sand by their base. The plume of Feather Duster Worms can measure up to 10″ in diameter on some species. The will require microfauna in the aquarium or supplemental feeding with foods designed for filter-feeding invertebrates.
Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera (meaning “pore bearer”). They are multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them. Sponges are found in a wide variety of colors such as red, yellow, and orange and a few different forms. With current estimates approximating up to 10,000 different species of sponge, the impressive biodiversity and vast geographic range should not be all that surprising. They require a strong current and good water conditions.
Why Experts Swear by Saltwater Invertebrates
Saltwater fish, also known as marine life, thrive in an environment of sponge, invertebrates, and living rock. These organisms brighten your mini-ecosystem not only with their color, but with their life-sustaining metabolic processes. For this reason, many of the world's best aquarists swear by these animals to provide an important part to the overall ecosystem puzzle.
Other Tips for your Saltwater Aquarium
Lighting: Not only used to illuminate the beauty of your ecosystem, but to preserve the health of aquatic life in saltwater aquariums. If you plan on purchasing anemones, we suggest very intense full spectrum lighting, augmented with actinic blue.
Keep your Alkalinity stable: The alkalinity of a saltwater aquarium is important for long term sustainability. Without good alkalinity levels, the pH of the tank will drop over time and endanger the lives of your marine life. The alkalinity of a saltwater tank should be around 2.5 to 3.5 meq/l.
Invertebrates can be your water quality alert team. They will be the first to let you know if your water quality is subpar, including the water's pH.
Did You Know?
As the coral reefs of the world become more endangered, addressing sustainability is the number one concern among coral growers. has been a certified aquaculture facility since 2011. Since receiving our certification, AquariumDepot has increased the number of sustainable products to the marketplace by 90 percent. We also support organizations like, who work directly with conservation groups to sustain the animals and their homes.