14 Days Guaranteed Living or Credit we'll be giving!

14 Day Guarantee

Return Policy:

14 Days Guaranteed Living or Credit we'll be giving!


  • Our 14 day guarantee begins at time of delivery.
  • Upon receipt of your shipment, a packing slip is included in your box- please make sure to keep the packing slip. A duplicate packing slip is not available so please make sure to keep the one you receive with your order.
  • We will credit your AQuarium Depot account for any animals claimed under our 14 Day Guarantee. 
  • Please use the form below to submit DOA issues (claim rules located at the bottom of this form)

 When submitting a claim please provide the following info:  

  • Clear, identifiable pictures provided for each animal claimed DOA (ex: 3 animals = 3 pictures), taken outside of their plastic shipping bag and/or your tank
  • A clear picture of the original packing slip that contained the shipment is received by us, so that we are able to see the order number, and items contained within the order shipped out.

  • All claims must be within the 14 day window

  • Requests submitted without this info can not be processed.







    • We do not cover the cost of shipment of animals claimed under our 14 Day Guarantee (DOA or otherwise).
    • Claims processed under our 14 Day Guarantee are processed for the live items only and do not include original shipping charges as those are the sole responsibility of the customer.
    • We reserve the right to require the expired animal to be shipped back to AquariumDepot.com for a full store credit of the cost of the animal(s) which are dead
    • The death of an animal that occurs due to tank incompatibility is not covered under our 14 Day Guarantee.
    • Acclimating marine life in any type of styro-foam container will void the 14 day guarantee
    • Also note--during cold weather, live item(s) will slow significantly in response to the cold. SLOW acclimation is a must for success.
    • We recommend a minimum of 2 hours of acclimation for best results